Wednesday, October 7, 2009

BOB, Monica Graphing

Hey Guys.
So we had a test in class, and if you wanted extra marks you had to do this assignment.
3 things I know about Graphing:

You must put the y-axis and the x-axis on the graph.

On the graph the x-axis does not change.

You always need a tittle on your graph.

Things I cound of improved on:

On the assignment I cound of colored the bars on the graph. I cound have put labels on the graph . And cound of made a better paragraph.


  1. monica i think you should put more detail like telling us about the different types of graph and also how to misrepresent it,im pretty sure you know how to misrepresent it:)
    GOOD JOB! anyways:]

  2. Hi

    Its Mr Montgomery form Australia her.

    I am very impressed with the quality of your blog posts.

    They are a great model for my year 8s

  3. great work monica i like how you explained everything and how you put different colours and ones you can see easily. Its good that you put a picture and it looks like you put effort in it
    :):):) great job

  4. great job monica, much better then your first blog!

    Good picture and you kept it nice and short


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