Monday, October 12, 2009

Brianna's Scribe Post, Coin Math

Hey Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

On Friday, Mr. H said that we had to answer two questions. The first one was,"How many coins are in a jar, if you got them from the bank?"and the second question had to be one of the blue, purple,or red questions that we made in class on Friday.

1.How many coins are in the jar, if you got them from the bank?

When you get coins from the bank, they come rolled up in bank rolls in certain amounts of its kind is put together to make a roll. For example:

*Sorry I couldn't get the picture*

Pennies=50 coins in a roll $0.50

Nickel=40 coins in a roll is equal to $2

Dime=50 coins in a roll is equal to $5

Quarter=40 coins in a roll is equal to $10

To get $100 in total using these coins, I started with the pennies, multiplied 50 coins by 30 to get 150 coins and then I did the same thing to $0.50 to get $15. Then I multiplied the nickels, 40 coins by 10 to get 400 coins, then I multiplied $2 by 10 to get $20. Then I multiplied the dimes, 50 coins multiplied by 5 to get 250 coins, and then I multiplied $5 by 5 to get $25. Then I multiplied the quarters, 40 coins multiplied by 4 to get 160 coins, and then I multiplied $10 by 4 to get $40.

Then I added up all the coin numbers to get 960.

2. How full is the jar?

The jar is about 3/4 full of coins which could also be shown as 75%.

To see the picture click this link

Please Comment:)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Interesting math. You should look at Laura's post. She did the same question and came up with a different answer.

  3. i think you should explain more about how full is the jar by showing us how you get your answer.
    Well done anyways:)

  4. good job brianna. You should tell more about the answer on question 2. on question 1 you explain it really good!

  5. good job briana, nice spacing and detail
    good colour
    no1 need more esplainen


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