Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Nhea's, BOB, Scribepost. Oct.6/09

Three things I know about graphing....

a)The first thing I know about graphing is that certain graphs are better used for certain things like;

Bar graphs, are better used for expressing catagorized data.

Double bar graphs, are better used for expressing two sets of catagorized data.

Line graphs, are better used for expressing data that changes over time.

b)The second thing I know about graphing is that graphs usually have;

-Units of measure.

c)The third thing I know about graphing is that it is a way to organize data.

What I know now that would improve my test is that I need to organize my data better and make it more productive and clear.


  1. Well explained, great pictures, good post.

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  3. nice pictures, a little to small writing

  4. thanks but sorry it was the best i could find


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