Friday, September 25, 2009

Jecelyn's Scribepost , Sept 25 class

Okay so today we learned about a break in the y axis of a graph

So here is a definition :A break in the y-axis of a graph means the
length of the axis has been shortened.

For homework we have to finish the gas prices on math so finish that so Harbeck won't get mad. So go check it out on SO DON'T FORGET!!


  1. Jecelyn...i think you should put an example so people who are absent knows what your talking about..but thank you for doing the blog:)

  2. good job because you still explained what we did in math today and you explained what it means

  3. thanks Althea it was hard to find pictures though. Thanks for the comment!!!

  4. Great colour schemes Jecelyn!! But a picture or somethign would be pretty helpful.

  5. hey jecelyn, nice pozt, but uz coulda used pictures and posted teh math homework in case some students dont check the main page

  6. nice job Jecelyn.. but you could add a video or a picture.. but anyways you explained it very clearly.

  7. Goodjob Jece, but it looks plain. You could of added some pictures or videos.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Good job jecelyn.You explained everything well. I guess you could have put a picture, but other than that great job.

  10. looks good nice job of explaining things but you could have put an example up

  11. Good Job Jecelyn ! but I think you should put a picture , an example and some colours ! :D

  12. well anyway short post but good anyway could have added some picture but ohh well and yeah ty for reminding me that the homework was due :l

  13. ohh and nice explaining the homework but if you added something like a pic or vid people would get the attention but anyway good job!

  14. good job jes nice way to explain the homework

  15. you had a good use of colours and you reminded us about the home work so thats good. it should be a little bit longer and you could put examples but we didnt do that much so i guess you explained every thing. good work!

  16. Hi Jecelyn

    Mr Montgomery here. I teach maths to kids your age in Perth Western Australia.

    Thanks for taking the time to write in your blog. I'm sure Mr Harbeck appreciates it.

    I agree with your other commenters. I would have like to see more information.

  17. Hey you could really use an image to show your understanding

  18. Hey Jecelyn. You made a great scribepost. I like how you used multiple colors but you should put some mores information. You also should have told us the homework pages.


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